Monday, January 7, 2019

Parents by Choice & Safe Harbor Family Services Merge!

Stockton, CA- Representatives from Parents by Choiceand Safe Harbor Family Serviceshave announced that the boards of the two organizations have voted to merge, which will result in a combined organization under the Parents by Choice name.

Safe Harbor Family Serviceshas been a leading foster care organization in Stanislaus Countysince 2006 with hundreds of children served from their office in Modesto, CA.Stockton-based Parents by Choicewas also founded in 2006 and has become well known in San Joaquin County for their array of services for children and families in crisis, including foster care and adoption. 

The merger has been discussed since 2017 and will unite these two organizations with similar missions.  In short, both Safe Harbor Family Servicesand Parents by Choicerecognize that they can do more together than alone.

“We’ve been discussing the potential merger since September 2017, and the feedback at both organizations has been positive and encouraging.  The board and staff of both organizations have enjoyed learning about each other’s accomplishments, programs, and history. The more we heard, the clearer it became that together we have a real opportunity to provide even greater support to children and families.” Tim Crawford,Board Chair of Safe Harbor Family Services.

“Teams from both organizations have been meeting frequently to sort through critical questions and decisions and have worked hard to listen and problem-solve throughout this entire process.  We all realize that the world of California foster care is changing with the recent passage of AB403 and we’re excited to take this step to meet new challenges.” Linda Vasquez, Board Chair ofParents by Choice.

Tony Yadon, the founder and Executive Director of Parents by Choice, will lead the merged organization.  Tony said, “I’d like to add a personal thank you and congratulations to Bill Meenk who retired at the end of 2018 after 12 years as the Executive Director of Safe Harbor Family Services. Bill has led Safe Harbor with vision, wisdom, and heart. It’s my privilege to carry on a part of his legacy into the future.”

The new organization will offer an array of programs from child abuse prevention to foster care, adoption and mental health, and will feature locations in both Modesto and Stockton. The combined organization will have a staff of approximately 40 people. For more information, please visit www.SafeharborFamilyServices.orgor

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