Monday, July 6, 2015

A Huge Thank You!

A huge thank you to all of our staff and volunteers who worked in our Fireworks booth this year! We could not have done it without you. Some days were in the 100s and other days we were worried it was going to rain, but we made it through. Thank you for all of your hard work and sweat.

Also thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets and/or fireworks from our booth. We enjoyed listening to your stories and how you planned to spend your Fourth. Our staff members loved seeing how excited the raffle prize winners were. Congratulations again to Ruben our first prize winner, Yon our second prize winner, and Robert our third prize winner.

All of the money that Parents by Choice received from the Fireworks Booth will go to our special events for children in foster care. Paintball, where we take our bravest souls out to play paintball. Girls Spa Day, where we treat our girls to make up, manicures, hairstyles, and much more!

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